国际 SCI杂志“Computational Optimization and Applications”、“ Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization”等评审专家;国内杂志《计算数学》、《控制与决策》、《应用数学学报》等评审人;《运筹与化》杂志编委。
香港大学 学术访问: 2010.7-2010.8,2007.1-2007.3,2003.7-2003.10;
台湾国家理论科学研究中心学术访问:2008.6-2008.7, 2006.10-2006.11;
香港理工大学学术访问:2015.7-2015.8,2010.1-2010.2, 2009.8-2009.9, 2009.1-2009.3, 2007.12-2008.2, 2005.11-2006.2,2003.11-2004.2, 2002.12-2003.3;
香港浸会大学 学术访问:2013年8月11-17日;
2016.1-至今, 新葡的京集团350vip8888,院长
2013.6-2015.12, 新葡的京集团350vip8888,副院长
2010.1-2013.5, 衡阳师范学院,副院长
2008.4-2009.12, 长沙理工大学数学与计算科学学院(院长).
2005.11-2008.3, 长沙理工大学期刊中心(中心主任),数学与计算科学学院教授。
2004.7-2004.12, 湖南省经济研究信息中心挂职(厅长助理)。
2003.8-2005.11, 长沙理工大学数学与计算科学学院(副院长)。
1986.7-2003.8, 长沙电力学院教学与科研工作
(1)主持 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),“基于决策规则的分布鲁棒随机优化及其在能源互联网中的应用”(编号:12171145,51万),2022.01-2025.12.
(6)主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目),“智能电网安全经济运行中的风险约束多阶段随机优化问题研究”(编号:11171095, 45万),2012.1-2015.12.
(9)主持国家自然科学基金数学天元基金专项(问题驱动), “基于最坏条件风险度量的电力资产分配方案研究”,(编号:10826099,10万元),2009.1-2009.12.
(10)主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目),“基于半光滑牛顿法的电力系统安全性问题的研究”,(编号:60474070, 19万元),2005.1-2007.12。
(11)参加一项国家自科金项目的研究,“H-半变分不等式的理论与应用” ( 批准号:10171008, 13万元),2002.1.-2004.12。
(1)主持 湖南省创新型省份建设专项决策咨询重点项目“湖南省青少年科学普及及资源开发推广应用的决策建议”,(编号:2020ZL2013,20万),2021.1-2021.12.
(2)主持 湖南省自然科学衡阳联合基金“智能电网环境下多阶段随机调度模型和算法研究”(编号:10JJ8008,20万元),2010-2012。
(3)主持 湖南省教育厅重点项目“多阶段随机占优约束优化及其在智能电网经济调度中的应用”(编号:10A015)”,2010-2012。
(4)主持 湖南省科技厅项目,“带稳定约束的最优潮流计算系统研究及其应用”(编号:2008CK3075,2 万元),2008.9-2010.9。
(5)主持 湖南省科技厅项目,“半光滑Newton法及其在电力系统稳定性分析中的应用”(编号:S2006F223,2万元),2006.8-2007.12.
(6)主持 湖南省自然科学基金重点项目(追加),“弱耦合非光滑系统分解方法的研究及其在电力系统中的应用”,(编号: 05JJ20002,3万元),2005-2006。
(7) 主持湖南省自然科学基金,“弱耦合非光滑系统分解方法的研究及其在电力系统中的应用”,(编号: 04JJ3031,2万元),2005.1-2006.12。
(8)主持 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,“非线性微分代数方程及其在电力系统中的应用”,(编号 02B021,3万元),2003.1-2004.12。
2.童小娇,杨洪明,《Economic Operation of Electricity Market and Its Mathematical Methods》,科学出版社,2012.2 (英文专著,获“2010年度国家科学技术学术著作出版基金”资助)。
3. 李董辉,童小娇,万中,《数值最优化算法与理论》,普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材,21世纪大学数学精品教材,科学出版社,2005年第一版,2009年第二版。
4. Xiang-Sun Zhang, De-Gang Liu, Masanori Fushimi, Xiaojiao Tong, Operations Researchandits Applications, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, The Eighth International Symposium, ISORA’09, Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009, World Publishing Corporation.
2. 作为项目负责人申报的湖南省2016年海外名师项目立项,项目为澳大利亚科廷大学数学系主任,汪松教授。项目于2017年6月实施;
3. 作为项目负责人申报的湖南省2015年海外名师项目获立项,项目为香港理工大学数学系主任、讲座教授陈小君博士;
4. 作为项目负责人申报的湖南省2014年海外名师项目获立项,项目为美国北卡罗来纳州立大学教授Tim Kelly博士;
5. 作为项目负责人申报的湖南省2012年海外名师项目获立项,项目为新家坡国立大学数学系教授孙德锋博士;
8.获国家级大学生创新实验项目一项, “大规模非线性方程的分块计算及应用”, 2008-2010.
3.主办“柔性与弹性电力系统运行与优化算法研讨会”,长沙,长沙理工大学,2019年12月6-8日是,来自于美国伯克利分校的终身教授吴复立(IEEE Fellow)、清华大学:香港大学、上海交通大学、国家电网、南方电网等单位30多位专家学者参加了会议。
6.主办了“2017数学优化与能源互联网研讨会”,2017年11月23-24日,长沙,新葡的京集团350vip8888,来自于美国伯克利分校的终身教授吴复立(IEEE Fellow)、清华大学、中科院数学与系统科学研究院、浙江大学、上海理工大学、湖南大学、长沙理工大学、新葡的京集团350vip8888共30多伴专家学者和师生参加了会议。
8.参加 The 11th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Aug. 8-11, 2017, 宁夏银川,China。
11.联合主办湘渝运筹学会2014年联合会议, 重庆工商大学,重庆,2014年12月6-7日。
17.承办中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第二届学术年会(组织委员会主席), 2012年9月7-9日,衡山。
22.与中国计算数学学会、科学出版社联合主办“信息与计算科学专业课程教学研讨会”, 2008年7月27-29;
23.协办AsiaPES2009(October 12-14, 2009, Beijing, Chnia),International Prpgram Committee;
24.协办ISROA2009(Sep. 20-22, 2009, Zhangjiajie, China), Program Committee.
1.参加“2021矩阵优化及机器学习前沿论坛”,作专题特邀报告“Distibutionally robust optimization (DRO) with decision-dependent ambiguity set and its approximation”(45分钟),北京,2021年8月10日 (线上)。
2.参加中国运筹学会第一届会员代表大会暨第十五次学术交流会(ORSC2020),作专题特邀报告“Bounding Problems for Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Stochastic Bilevel Optimization Based on Decision rules” (30分钟),合肥,2020年10月15-18日。
4.在澳大利亚科廷大学数学系作了题为“A stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for solving two-stage distributionally robust constrained optimization problems”报告,科廷大学,2019年7月29日。
5.参加“随机优化及其应用前沿论坛”学术研讨会,作了题为“A stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for two-stage distributionally robust optimization”邀请报告(50分钟),西安,西安交通大学,2019年3月29-31日。
6.参加 “5th Workshop on Optimization and Risk Management”, 作了题为“Distributionally robust optimization-based environmental and economic dispatch in power system”,邀请报告(40分钟),香港,香港理工大学,2016年4月2-3日。
7.2015 Nanjing International Conference on Numerical Optimization with Applications暨华人最优化专家论坛,作了题为“Distributionally robust two-stage constrained optimization and stochastic dual dynamic programming approach” 大会报告,南京,南京师范大学,2015年11月27 -- 29日。
8.清华大学电机系报告,题目“CVaR-based approach for distributionally robust constrained optimization”, 清华大学,北京,2015年9月10日。
10.参加香港浸会大学“Optimization Workshop 2013”, 并作题为“Stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for multistage CVaR constrained optimization”报告,香港浸会大学,2013年8月14日。
11.参加“2nd Workshop on Optimization and Risk Management”, 并作题为“Stochastic programming arising from ED with reliability risk constraint in smart grid”(40分钟)报告, 香港理工大学,2012年10月4-5日。
12.参加中德 “The 2th Sino-German Workshop on Optimization Modeling, Methods and Applications”, 并作题为“Stochastic programming arising from ED with reliability risk constraint in smart grid”报告(30分钟),北京中科院数学与系统科学研究院,2012年9月23-26日,北京。
13.ICMSEC 学术报告,Multi-stage stochastic optimization arising from power system ,中科院数学与计算科学院,计算数学和科学工程计算所,2012年4月9日。
14. 2011年全国最优化前沿学术研讨会,大会报告” A stochastic optimization problem arising from security economic operation in smart grid”,2011.10.14-17,天津,天津大学。
15. The 8th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA8), December 10-13, 2010, Shangsha,分组报告“Robust reward-risk ratio optimization with application in allocation of generation assets”.
16.中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会换届大会暨(金融)青年科学家论坛, 大会特邀报告: 电力市场化环境下系统经济运行的风险管理相关问题, 2010.4,17-18, 上海,复旦大学.
17.The 8th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2009), 大会报告: A Smoothing Method for Portfolio Optimization With CVaR and Application, SEPTEMBER 20-22, 2009, ZHANGJIAJIE, CHINA.
18.湖南省2009数学年会, 大会特邀报告:非线性高效数值算法及其在电力系统中的应用,2009.10,株洲.
19.International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics (ECM) 2009, 27-29 May, 2009, Hong Kong,分组报告“A smoothing SQP method for nonlinear programs with stability constraints arising from power”.
(I) 已发表论文:
1.Xiaojiao Tong,Liu Yang,Xiao Luo,Bo Rao,A Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Method for Two-stage Distributionally Robust Optimization Problems,Optimization Methods & Software , 2020. Vol. 35, No.5, 1002-1021.
2.D. Han, X.J. Tong, Review of Mathematical Methodology for Electric Power Optimization Problems,Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2020, 8: 295-309.
3.李满兰,童小娇,一类分布鲁棒线性决策随机优化研究,应用数学学报,2020年,Vol.43, No.1, 129-143.
4.耿晓路,童小娇,分布鲁棒机会约束优化问题的研究,运筹学学报,2020年,Vol. 24,No.1,115-130.
5.Liu Yang,Xiaojiao Tong,Yao Xiong and Feifei Shen,A smoothing SAA algorithm for a portfolio choice model based on second-order stochastic dominance measures, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, doi:10.3934/jimo.2018198, 2018 online.
6.Liu Yang, Yao Xiong and Xiao-jiao Tong, A Smoothing Algorithm for a New Two-Stage Stochastic Model of Supply Chain Based on Sample Average Approximation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2017,1-7,Article ID 5681502. (SCI)
7.X.J. Tong, H.L. Sun, X. Luo and Q.G. Zheng, Distributionally robust chance constrained optimization for economic dispatch in renewable energy integrated systems, Journal of Global Optimization, 2017,Vol.70, No.1 (2018), 131-158. (SCI)
8.X.J. Tong,X. Luo,H.M. Yang, L. Zhang, A distributionally robust optimization-based risk-limiting dispatch in power system under moment uncertainty, International Transactions on Electrical Energy System, Vol.27, No.1 (2017),(Online DOI: 10.1002/etep.2343). (SCI)
9.刘明明 , 童小娇 , 戴彧虹,装箱问题的算法及最新进展,计算数学,Vol.38, No.3 (2016),257-280.
10.童小娇,刘成贵,系统安全运行约束下的动态环境经济调度,系统科学与数学,Vol.36, No.11 (2016), 1876-1886.
11.X. J. Tong,H. Xu,F. F. Wu,Z. Zhao,Penalized sample average approximation methods for stochastic programs in economic and secure dispatch of a power system, Computational Management Science, DOI 10.1007/s10287-016-0251-8,2016
12.F. Luo, J. Zhao, Z. Dong, X. Tong, Y. Chen, H.Yang and H. Zhang, Optimal dispatch air conditioner loads in southern China region by direct load control, IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol.7, No.1 (2015), 439-450. (SCI)
13.易国伟,童小娇,周鹏, CVaR 和 EVaR安全运行风险管理下的电力系统经济调度, 电力系统保护与控制,Vol.44, No.8 (2016), 49-56.
14.刘明明, 崔春风, 童小娇, 戴彧虹, 混合整数非线性规划的算法软件及最新进展, 中国科学: 数学, Vol.46, No.1 ( 2016), 1- 20.
15.童小娇,尹昆,刘亚娟,周鹏,包含可控负荷的微电网经济调度,电力自动化设备,Vol.35, No.10 (2015), 21-36. (EI源刊)
16.童小娇,易国伟,周鹏,周任军,考虑功率调整优先策略的微网动态经济调度,电网技术,Vol.39, No. 8 (2015), 2173-2179. (EI源刊)
17.高欢,童小娇,张海斌,离散椭球分布下两阶段WCVaR风险-利润优化模型及应用,运筹与管理, 2015(2),221-228.
18.H. Gao, Y.H. Dai and X.J. Tong, Barzila-Borwein-like methods for the extreme eigenvalue problem, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 11, no. 3 (2015),999-1019. (SCI)
19.周任军,闵雄帮,童小娇,陈瑞先,李献梅,刘志勇,电力环保经济调度矩不确定分布鲁棒优化方法, 中国电机工程学报,vol.35, no.13 (2015), 3248-3256,(EI源刊)
20.周任军,陈瑞先,童小娇,李献梅,闵雄帮,刘志勇,章杰,考虑线路阻塞的风险限制调度多步整合模型,中国电机工程学报 ,Vol.35, No. 19 (2015), 4930-4936,(EI源刊)
21.X.J. Tong and F.F. Wu, Robust reward-risk ratio optimization with application in allocation of generation asset, Optimization, Vol.63, No. 11 (2014), 1761-1779. (SCI)
22.F. Luo, J. Zhao, H. Wang, X.J. Tong, Y. Chen and Z. Dong, Direct load control by distributed imperialist competitive algorithm, J. Mod. Power Sys. Clean Energy, Vol.2, N.4 (2014), 385-395. (SCI)
23.C.G. Liu, X.J. Tong, X.J. Liu and K. Yin, The Multi-stage environment economic dispatch of power system under conditional risk constraints, Research Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 26 (2014), 415-430.
24.X. Luo, C.Y. Chung, H.M. Yang and X.J. Tong, Optimal bidding strategy for generation companies under CVaR constraint, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 24, No. 10,(2014), 1369-1384. (SCI)
25.X.J. Tong, C. Ling, S.Y. Wu and L. Qi, Semi-infinite programming method for optimal power flow with transient stability and variable clearing time of faults, Journal of Global Optimization, vol.55, no.4 (2013), 813-830. (SCI)
26.X.J. Tong,L. Qi,S.Y. Wu,F.F. Wu,A Smoothing SQP Method for Nonlinear Programs With Stability Constraints Arising From Power Systems, Computational Optimization and Applications, vol.51,no.1 (2012),175-197. (SCI)
27. L. Yang, Y.P. Chen, X.J. Tong, A note on local sensitivity analysis for parametric optimization problem, Pacific Journal of Optimization, vol.8, no.1(2012), 185-195. (SCI)
28.周任军,姚龙华,童小娇,彭莎,李斯,采用条件风险方法的含风电系统安全经济调度,中国电机工程学报,2012,vol.32, no.1, 56-63。(EI源刊)
29.唐民, 童小娇, 文强,计及网络参数不确定的含风电场安全经济调度,电力系统及其自动化学报,2012年 第2期,27-34。
30.C.T. Kelley, L. Qi, X. Tong and H. Yin, Finding a stable solution of a system of nonlinear equations arising from dynamic systems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 7 (2011) 497-521. (SCI)
31.蒙万兴,童小娇,陈明,α-超分位数约束的含风电场电网安全节能调度,电力电子技术,2011年,第8期, 111-116。
32.童小娇,贺恩锋,周任军,带可变事故切除时间的暂态稳定约束最优潮流计算,控制与决策,vol.26,no.11 (2011),1637-1642. (EI源刊)
33.何冬梅,童小娇,唐民,基于两时段的WCVaR风险分析及其应用,经济数学,vol.28, no.4 (2011),24-29。
34.李斯,周任军,童小娇,彭莎等,基于盒式集合鲁棒优化的风电并网最大装机容量,电网技术,vol.35,no.12 (2011), 208-213。
35.L.Yang, Y. Chen, X.J. Tong and C. Deng, A new smoothing Newton method for solving constrained nonlinear equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, doi:10.1016, 2011. (SCI)
36.X. Luo, C.Y. Chung, H. Yang and X.J. Tong, Robust optimization-based generation self-scheduling under uncertain price, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol.2011, ID 497014, doi:10.1155/2011/497014. (SCI)
37.X.J. Tong, C.P. Liu, X. Luo and R. Zhou, A new approach of available transfer capability incorporating wind generation, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.23,No.5(2010), 989-998.
38.X.J. Tong, S.Y. Wu and R. Zhou, New approach for the nonlinear programming with transient stability constraints arising from power systems, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.45,No.3(2010), 495-520. (SCI)
39.X.J.Tong, L.Qi, F. Wu, H. Zhou,A smoothing method for solving portfolio optimization with CVaR and applications in allocation of generation asset, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(2010),1723-1740. (SCI)
40.童小娇,王旭东,罗可,多置信水平下的最坏情况条件风险模型,控制与决策,Vol.25, No.9(2010), 1431-1440. (EI源刊)
41.罗可,赵志学,童小娇,带条件风险约束的发电商最优投标模型及计算,湖南大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.37, No.9(2010), 49-54. (EI源刊)
42.童小娇,刘青,离散界约束分布下WCVaR风险分析及其应用,系统工程理论与实践,Vol.30, No.2(2010), 305-314. (EI源刊)
43.童小娇,文强,周任军,等,基于鲁棒优化的自发电计划,长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版)Vol.7, No.2(2010),58-65.
44.周任军,吴潘,童小娇,极限诱导分岔最小负荷裕度计算方法,电力自动化设备,Vol.30, No.1 (2010), 19-23. (EI源刊)
45.X.J. Tong, F. Wu and L. Qi, Worst case CVaR based portfolio optimization models with applications to scenario planning, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol.24, No.6 (2009), 933-958. (SCI)
46.L. Qi, C. Ling, X.J. Tong and G. Zhou, A smoothing projected Newton-type algorithm for semi-infinite programming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 42(2009), 1-30. (SCI)
47.L. Qi, X.J. Tong and Y. Wang, Computing power system parameters to maximize the small signal stability margin based on min-max models, Optimization and Engineering, Vol.10,No.4(2009),465-476. (SCI)
48.M. Lai, X.J. Tong, H. Yang and P. Bing, Dynamic bidding analysis in power market based on the supply function, Computers and Mathematics With Applications, 58(2009), 25-38. (SCI)
49.L. Yang, Y. Chen, and X.J. Tong, Smoothing Newton-Like Method for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equalities and Inequalities, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol.2, No.2(2009), 224-236. (SCI)
50.童小娇,刘春平,周任军,考虑静态安全性和鞍结分叉稳定性的ATC的计算,湖南大学学报(自科版),Vol.36, No.8(2009), 48-53. (EI 收录)
51.杨洪明,王洁,童小娇,赖明勇,电力市场动态建模与复杂性行为研究,系统工程学报,Vol.24, No.4(2009),399-444.
52.X.J. Tong, F. F. Wu, L. Qi,Available Transfer Capability Calculation Using a Smoothing Pointwise Maximum Function,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I,Vol.55, No.1 (2008): 462-474. (SCI, EI)
53.X.J. Tong, C. Ling, L. Qi, A semi-infinite programming algorithm for solving optimal power flow with transient stability constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 217(2008), 432-447. (SCI)
54.X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu and J. Su, Quadratic approximation and visitation of online constrct-based available transfer capability region of power systems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.4, No.3(2008),553-563. (SCI)
55.H.M. Yang, C.Y. Chung, X.J. Tong and P. Bing, Research on dynamic equilibrium of power market with complex network constraints based on nonlinear complementarity function, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.4, No.3(2008),617-630. (SCI)
56.童小娇,王洁,杨洪明,张新华,计及输电线路和投标变量界约束的电力市场动态投标模型及分析,系统工程理论与实践,Vol.28,No.5(2008),105-115. (EI收录)
57.童小娇,邴萍萍,杨洪明,基于纳什均衡理论的电力市场一类动态投标分析,中国电机工程学报,Vol.28, No.7(2008),84-90. (EI收录)
58.童小娇,周任军,邓学华,电力系统的稳定平衡解模型及计算方法,中国电机工程学报,Vol.28, No.13(2008),58-63. (EI收录)
59.童小娇,何伟,周任军,邓学华,基于SIP算法的暂态稳定约束最优潮流的计算,控制与决策,Vol.23,No.12(2008), 1388-1393. (EI收录)
60.童小娇,何伟, 解非线性方程的拉格朗日全局投影方法, 数学物理学报, Vol.28, No.1 (2008), 96-108.
61.刘思东,杨洪明,童小娇,电力期货市场的价格发现功能, 电力自动化设备,Vol.28, No.7 (2008), 57-61. (EI收录)
62.童小娇,王洁,杨洪明,计及输电网约束的电力市场动态集团投标分析,长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.5, No.1(2008), 57-63.
63.X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu and L. Qi, On the convergence of decoupled optimal power flow method, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 28(3-4) (2007):1-19. (SCI)
64.X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Yan and Y. Ni, A semismooth Newton method for solving optimal power flow, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.3, No. 3(2007), 553-567. (SCI)
65.X.J. Tong, L. Qi and Y.F. Yang, The Lagrangian global method for nonsmooth constrained equations, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 33, 2006, 89-109. (SCI)
66.X.J. Tong, S. Xiao, A feasible method for solving the KKT system of variational inequalities, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, Vol. 35, 2006, 87-105.
67.童小娇,何炳生, 一类音调变分不等式的非精确交替方向法, 数学物理学报, 26A(2), 2006, 273-282.
68.罗可, 林睦钢, 童小娇. 最优潮流问题的解耦半光滑Newton型算法. 控制与决策,2006, 21(5): 580-584 . (EI收录)
69.罗可, 童小娇. 求解最优潮流KKT系统的一类新模型及算法设计. 控制理论与应用,2006,23(4):245-250 . (EI收录)
71.X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A smoothing projected Newton-type method for semismooth equations with bound constraints, Journal of Industrial Management Optimization, Vol.1, 2005, 235-250. (SCI)
72.童小娇,肖世校,邴萍萍,带半无限约束的非线性方程系统的牛顿型方法,《高等学校计算数学学报》,Vol.27, 2005, 252-258.
73.X.J. Tong, L. Qi, On the convergence of a trust-region method for solving constrained nonlinear equations with degenerate solutions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 123(2004), No.1. 187-211.(SCI)
74.L. Qi, X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, An active-set projected trust region algorithm for box constrained nonsmooth equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.120(2004),601-625. (SCI)
75.X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, A trust region algorithm with null space technique for equality constrained optimization, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.17(2004).54-63。
76.X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A trust-region algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization problem, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, Vol 24 (2004), 445-460.
77.张永平,童小娇,吴复立等, 基于非线性互补问题函数的半光滑Newton最优潮流算法. 中国电机工程学报, 24(9), 2004,130-135。 (EI收录)
78.张永平,童小娇,倪以信等.,基于半光滑牛顿法的可用输电能力新算法. 电力系统自动化, 28(7),2004,35-38。 (EI收录)
79.张永平,童小娇,倪以信等, 实时电力市场阻塞管理算法研究, 电网技术, 28(15), 2004,6-10。
80.吴伟杰,童小娇,严正,吴复立,倪以信,陈寿孙,基于光滑化函数的ATC新模型及其有效算法,电力系统自动化,28(19), 2004,32-35. (EI收录)
81.X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Combining trust-region and line-search method for equality constrained optimization, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 24(2003), 143-162. (SCI)
82.X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Combining trust-region and line-search algorithms for minimization subject to bounds, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 32(2003), 355-369.
83.X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Global convergence of trust region algorithm for equality and bound constrained nonlinear optimization, 《高校应用数学学报》(英),1(2003), 83-94.
84.X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, A trust-region algorithm for nonlinear inequality constrained Optimization, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.21, No.2(2003), 207-220. (SCI)
85.X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, L. Qi, An iterative method for solving semismooth equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 146(2002), 1-10. (SCI)
86.童小娇,周叔子,等式与界约束非线性优化的信赖域增广Lagrangian 算法,计算数学,2002年第1期, 27-38。
87.童小娇, 周叔子,Global convergence of a trust region algorithm for inequality constrained optimization, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 1 (2001), 113-136.
88.童小娇,周叔子,A trust region algorithm for nonlinear problems of equalities and inequalities, Chinese J. Numer. Math. And Appl.; 3(2001), 90-102; 中文稿:《数值计算与计算机应用》,2001年第1 期。
89.童小娇,周叔子,Global convergence of a trust region algorithm using inexact gradient for equality-constrained optimization, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 3(2000), 365-373。 (SCI)
90.童小娇,周叔子,Global convergence of non-monotonic trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimization, 《高校应用数学学报》(英),2000年第2期。
91.童小娇,周叔子,A trust region algorithm for a class of nonlinear optimization, 《高校应用数学学报》(英),2000年第1期。
92.童小娇,A reduced Hessian trust region method for solving equality constrained optimization, 《应用数学》, 2001年第4 期。
93.童小娇,周叔子,Combining trust region method and quasi-Newton method for equality constrained optimization, 《应用数学》,2000年第3期。
(II) 国际会议论文
95.Xiaojiao Tong, Chunping Liu, and Renjun Zhou, A new model and calculation of available transfer capability with wind generation, Operations Research and its Application, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, edi. Xiaojiao Zhang, Degang Liu, Masanori Fushimi, Xiaojiao Tong, The Eighth International Symposium, ISORA’09, Zhangjiajie, China, Sep/20-22, 2009, 270-279.
96.Chunping Liu; Xiaojiao Tong; Renjun Zhou; Xuehua Deng, Available transfer capability model and calculation considering static security constraints and the saddle node bifurcation, Industrial Technology, 2009. ICIT 2009. IEEE International Conference on, 10-13 Feb. 2009 Page(s):1 - 5 (EI)
97.Hongming Yang; Enfeng He; Xiaojiao Tong; Zhuo-wa Luo, Panel cointegration modelling and forecasting of power tariff, Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, 2008. CCE 2008. 5th International Conference on, 12-14 Nov. 2008 Page(s):322 – 327.
98.Xiaojiao Tong; Wei He; Renjun Zhou; Xuehua Deng; Calculation for optimal power flow with transient stability constraints based on semi-infinite programming algorithm, Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE, 20-24 July 2008 Page(s):1 – 6
99.Pingping Bing; Xiaojiao Tong; Considering transmission constraints for analysis on bidding strategies of power market based on nash equilibrium, Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2008. T&D. IEEE/PES, 21-24 April 2008 Page(s):1 - 4
100.Xiaojiao Tong; Jie Wang; Hongming Yang; Xuehua Deng, A Dynamic Bidding Model of Power Markets Involving Transmission Constraints and Bidding Bounded Constraints, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2007. IEEE, 24-28 June 2007 Page(s):1 – 6
101.Xiaojiao Tong, Yongping Zhang, and Felix F. Wu, A decoupled semismooth Newton method for optimal power flow, IEEE Power Engineering Society 2006 General Meeting, June 18-22, 2006, Montreal, Quebee, Canada. (EI收录)
102.X.J. Tong, H.M. Yang, P.P. Bing, A dynamic bidding model of power markets based on the supply function approach, ICEEE 2006, Mexico, September 6-8, 2006。(EI收录)
103.X.J. Tong, M. Lin, Semismooth Newton-type algorithms for solving optimal power flow problems, 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, Dalian, China, 2005, 1-7. (EI)
104.罗可,林睦钢,童小娇. 最优潮流的投影渐进半光滑Newton型算法. 2005中国控制与决策学术年会论文集:775-779 (EI)
105.H.W. Yan, R. Ma, X.J. Tong, A novel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation approach based Apriori algorithm for unit's bidding ability assessment, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005,2:863 – 867. (EI收录)
106.H.W. Yan, R. Ma, X.J. Tong, SLIQ in data mining and application in the generation unit's bidding decision system of electricity market, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005. (EI收录)
107.R. Ma, H.W. Yan, X.J. Tong, Multiobjective fuzzy optimal transaction planning based optimal power flow for electricity market, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005. (EI收录)
108.Felix.F. Wu, Xiaojiao. Tong , Jifeng Su, Quadratic Approximation and Visualization of Online Contract-Based Available Transfer Capability Region of Power Systems, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-VI, August 22-27, 2004, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy.